Thursday, August 19, 2010

Theory of Knowlege..What is it?

Theory knowledge is a subject that makes us ask ourselves how we know what we know and why it matters. This subject makes us question the world, having us doubt reality. For example have you ever wondered if you're living a dream, no I am not trying to refer to inception :P but how do you know for sure you're living a real life and not stuck in an subconscious state. There are many situations where the lines between beliefs and truths are blurry. To us a belief is an idea that generally has no concrete foundation but one feels this pull towards a belief. A truth to us is an idea that is 100% certain and exists, although we are not aware of all truths. Knowledge is gained through beliefs and truths, the line between belief and truth is blurred when one perceives a belief is true. Knowledge issues are the questions that urge us to consider the reasons we have a distinction between the two.

I believe makeup becomes permanant when it touches your skin, on the other hand the other side of this belief is that obviously it is not permanant if it washes off of your face. The knowledge issues that arise from this matter are geared towards why each opposing side believes about makeup. The ways of knowing help each group explain to one another why and how their opinions were formed.

The general ways of knowing:

  • Emotion
  • Sense Perception

  • Logic/Reason
  • Language
  • Authority
  • Experience
  • Memory

These subjects are specifically used to create a reason behind the belief. For example the people who believe that make up is permanant could use authority to back up the belief, Sally says when she was younger her mom told her if she wore eyeliner that it would stay on forever. Through memory and authority Sally developed faith in this claim. But the other side could present that it's only logical that makeup washes off or else it would not exist because it is made to temporarly change one's appearance. Experience also ties into the second group's claim because someone splashed water on their face and the eyeliner started to run.

These ways of knowing depending on the knowledge issue ties into other subjects, or Areas of knowledge.

These areas describe the nature of the knowledge issues, and what aspects of life they deal with.

These Areas Include:

  • Mathematics

  • Human Sciences

  • Natural Sciences

  • History

  • The Arts

  • Ethics

One example of a way of knowing that ties into an area of knowledge is optical illusions. They are viewed differently.

To one person they may see a young girl, to another they may see an older woman, or both. It depends on the person's perception of the image and other ways of knowing, this could tie into the arts because it is a drawing that is viewed differently.

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